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Falconry in Portugal


It’s still possible to watch various shows of Falconry and historical reconstructions over the country, where you will have the opportunity to interact with the birds and learn about many of these predators’ concepts!

They are universal symbols of strength, speed and audacity. Its agility, exceptional vision and quick reflexes make their exercises of flight, their attitudes of attack and their predation habits a truly spectacular exhibition.
In Portugal, you’ll be able to watch the flight exhibitions, interact with the birds of prey, participate in medieval parades, visits the birds installations, get to know more about them in thematic exhibitions or even become a falconer for a few hours!

On our website you’ll get to know the tours we have prepared especially for you at the ‘Tapada de Mafra’, Mafra’s Palace and Convent and at S. Jorge Castle, in Lisbon.

Contact us and join us for a day to soak in the history and revive this tradition in the form of an educational, cultural and above all a very entertaining experience.

Get to know more about the history of Falconry in Portugal:

Introduced in Portugal during the Muslim domination, the Falconry is one of the most ingenious and older modalities of hunting invented by man. This is the art of raising, caring and training falcons and other birds of prey and has a strong tradition in Portugal.

The Falconry had a great expression in the latter half of the 18th century, time which the Falcons, Azores, Owls and other birds of prey were considered symbols of prestige and high status. They get to be used as wedding dowries of princesses, as objects of royal gifts and even served to rescue prisoners of war from jail.