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Discover the Lusitano Horse

This horse is a Portuguese treasure, known and admired for its excellence all over the world.

The thoroughbred Lusitano horse is a direct descendant of the Iberian horse and it is the world’s first riding horse. It has inhabited the Iberian Peninsula for fifteen thousand years. Despite all the events, wars and changes that happened throughout time, the Lusitano horse has been able to preserve its original splendor and magnificence and it’s now one of the world’s most respected and wanted breeds.

Cavalo Lusitano (7)

These animals are known and admired for their sublime beauty, gentle character and for being extremely intelligent as well as very close to their rider, the person that they build an unbreakable bond with.

These horses’ quality makes them suitable for several purposes and they are the chosen breed for shows and competitive tournaments. The Lusitano horse is also used for carriage driving, dressage, jumping and working equitation.

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Full of stories and curiosities, this was the horse that originated the centaur legend, a known creature in Greek mythology that had a man upper body and a horse lower body. It was also the chosen horse for the ‘The Lord of the Rings’ movies. A thoroughbred Lusitano horse can cost up to one million euros!

Do you want to discover more about this unique horse breed during your Portugal travel? Our tours in Portugal are the ideal way to discover this splendid breed. We’ll take you to excellent equestrian centres that will allow you to feel how it’s like to ride this unforgettable horse. Get to know our private tours in Portugal with the Lusitano Horse!